How I can fix your AML compliance

Speaking at Accountex North in Manchester I described how I could solve your AML problems in just one day

What I didn’t say at Accountex

My answers to some frequently asked questions relating to electronic ID checks, AML compliance software and CDD on directors of client companies

What I said at Accountex Manchester 2023

David Winch spoke at Accountex Manchester on 19 September 2023 on the topic of AML Compliance. This article mentions the key points from that session.

Accountex Manchester 2023

David Winch will be speaking at Accountex Manchester on Tuesday 19 September 2023 on dealing with the AML supervisory bodies and pitfalls to be avoided.

AML Red Flags for accountants

Anti-money laundering training covers red flags, warning signs that money laundering may be occurring. But does the training get this right?

Is it good to be the MLRO?

Are you the MLRO in an accountancy practice? We can help you get your AML compliance sorted – before a supervisor calls!

Money Laundering Regulations support services

A dangerous little form

There is a dangerous little online form used by one of the AML supervisory bodies for UK accountants. It looks innocuous but an error can have serious consequences!

We have not filed any SARs

Will we get criticised by our Money Laundering supervisors if we have not made any Suspicious Activity Reports?

Practitioners under pressure

Are firms’ AML systems adequate, and what exactly are the downside risks if your AML documentation does not meet the required standards?

Software supporting AML compliance

A discussion of the options that practitioners face when selecting and using software to fullfil their AML regulatory obligations

David Winch