TCSP v ACSP clarification

These days we are drowning in acronyms. So I thought it would be useful for me to spell out the significance of TCSP and ACSP and the difference between them.

AML and the solo practitioner

What does the solo practitioner – a provider of accountancy, bookkeeping or tax services, who has no staff or subcontractors – have to do to comply with anti-money laundering requirements in the UK?

AML annual review – time down the drain?

A lesser-known requirement of the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 concerns the monitoring and management of compliance with the firm’s AML policies, controls and procedures. When is the best time for a review?

Are HMRC AML late registration penalties fair?

This blog post is about financial civil penalties that HMRC levy where a business is late registering with HMRC for AML supervision. Are these penalties fair? How are they calculated? How can a penalty be reduced? Can the penalty be appealed?

20 years of MLR for accountants

20 years ago, on 1 March 2004, the Money Laundering Regulations 2003 came into force. Maybe we should celebrate the anniversary with a cake!
This article briefly highlights some key steps in the evolution of the MLR over 20 years.

Libby Walklett head in hand photo

What’s the worst that can happen?

I’m often asked, “What’s the worst that can happen if my firm does not comply with the money laundering regulations?” But instead let’s focus on fixing the problem – starting is the hardest part!

AML Compliance and accountancy sub-contractors

A question we are often asked is, ‘Do sub-contract accountants and bookkeepers have to register themselves separately for AML purposes as accountancy service providers?’

The danger of an old FWRA

Every accountant knows that you would not rely on old tax books to advise your clients. But you should not rely on old AML compliance documents either.

How I can fix your AML compliance

Speaking at Accountex North in Manchester I described how I could solve your AML problems in just one day

What I didn’t say at Accountex

My answers to some frequently asked questions relating to electronic ID checks, AML compliance software and CDD on directors of client companies

What I said at Accountex Manchester 2023

David Winch spoke at Accountex Manchester on 19 September 2023 on the topic of AML Compliance. This article mentions the key points from that session.

Accountex Manchester 2023

David Winch will be speaking at Accountex Manchester on Tuesday 19 September 2023 on dealing with the AML supervisory bodies and pitfalls to be avoided.

Is it good to be the MLRO?

Are you the MLRO in an accountancy practice? We can help you get your AML compliance sorted – before a supervisor calls!

David Winch